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John Bygraves: Master Energy Healer and Holistic Mentor

Updated: Aug 7

Welcome to the transformative world of IEXCELL.LIFE, where John Bygraves, a master in energy healing and holistic mentoring, guides individuals toward profound health and spiritual enlightenment. Having triumphed over stage 4 cancer through his pioneering healing practices, John has dedicated his life to sharing the powerful SoulReCode Healing method.


Resilience and Renewal


John’s journey is one of extraordinary resilience. Faced with a life-threatening diagnosis, he chose to forge a new path, delving deep into the realms of holistic healing. His exploration led to the creation of SoulReCode Healing, a modality that extends beyond conventional treatment by channeling divine energies to realign the soul with the cosmic life force.


SoulReCode Healing: Transformative Energy Work


SoulReCode Healing is the essence of John’s practice. This method is designed to catalyze not just physical recovery, but also spiritual awakening, by addressing disruptions at their energetic source. Each session with John is a bespoke experience, tailored to harmonize and enhance the individual’s physical, mental, and spiritual health.


Empowering Holistic Wellness


As a holistic mentor, John empowers his clients through carefully designed programs and workshops. His flagship offerings include the weekly Sit Feel Heal rEVOLution—free group sessions that provide a space for energy healing and collective meditation—and the comprehensive “Prevention Is Better Than Cure” system, which equips individuals with the tools for lasting wellness.


Building a Community of Healing


John’s commitment to healing extends into his role as a retreat leader, where he creates immersive experiences for deeper healing and connection. His community sessions and workshops are testament to his belief in the strength of collective energy and the power of shared healing journeys.


A Guide on Your Path to Wellness


John is not just a healer; he is a companion on the path to wellness. With each client, he shares a part of his journey, offering not just healing but also understanding, compassion, and support. His methods, deeply rooted in personal experience and enhanced by his mastery of energy work, offer a unique pathway to health that is both effective and enlightening.




Step into a world where health and spirituality converge beautifully. Discover the transformative power of SoulReCode Healing and begin your journey to a healthier, more spiritually aligned life with John Bygraves, your guide and mentor in holistic wellness.


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